下载地址:https://mail.ph.utexas.edu/test2/patches/public/passwd/passwd.tgz 二. 需要的网络环境 本文假设用户希望在园区网中架设一个电子邮件服务器,为本单位用户提供邮件服务。该服务器拥有一个合法的ip地址202.99.11.200和一个合法的域名mail.example.com,并且example.com的dns的mx记录指向mail.example.com。
IMP, the Internet Mail Program, is one of the most popular and widely deployed open source webmail applications in the world. It allows universal, web-based access to IMAP and POP3 mail servers and provides Ajax, mobile and basic interfaces with a rich range of features normally found only ...
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Connect webmail to Gmail Setup Team Drives, Group addresses, & policies Configure Google Vault settings Setup & update calendar Create Google Forms Organize your mailbox Admin account recovery for Google Workspace/Office3...
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下载地址: http://freesoft.online.sh.cn:8888/mirrors/redhat/7.3/ 2. sendmail-8.11.6 作用:邮件传输和接收 下载地址:(redhat linux7.3自带) 3. imap 作用:imap和pop3服务器 下载地址:ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/imap/imap-2001a.tar.z
IMP, the Internet Mail Program, is one of the most popular and widely deployed open source webmail applications in the world. It allows universal, web-based access to IMAP and POP3 mail servers and provides Ajax, mobile and basic interfaces with a rich range of features normally found only ...