IMP-00032:SQL语句超过缓冲区长度 IMP-00008:导出文件中出现无法识别的语句 刚开始以为是因为数据库的Large_Pool设置的不够大的原因,于是乎,设置large_pool_size=33554432后再导入,结果再次提示相同的错误. 从头再来,上网搜索,有提示说导入时需要将buffer加大;回头想想,以前导入时不需要修改任何配置,此次导入的用户中...
今天客户在imp导入数据的时候遇到了下面的报错信息 IMP-00051: Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file 这个报错的原因与解决方法见如下官方文档 欢迎大家加入ORACLE超级群:17115662 免费解决各种ORACLE问题,以后BLOG将迁移到http://www.htz....
IMP-00032 oracle imp时报: IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file 解决办法: 将imp语句由 impusername/userpass@oraSIDfile=userdb_20100325.dmp full=y 更改为: impusername/userpass@oraSIDfile=userdb_20100325.dmp full=ybuffer=具体数值(540000...
imp-00032: sql 语句超过缓冲区长度 文心快码BaiduComate 针对您提出的“imp-00032: sql 语句超过缓冲区长度”错误,我将从以下几个方面进行详细解答: 1. 确认错误信息 错误信息“IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length”表明在执行数据导入操作时,由于SQL语句的长度超过了预分配的缓冲区大小,导致导入操作...
2. 按用户导入要指定buffer参数,否则报错IMP-00032与IMP-00008. $ imp abc/abc file=system.dmp fromuser=abc touser=abc buffer=5400000; 3. 按用户导出该用户所有对象数据 $ exp abc/abc file=abc.dmp direct=y log=abc.log 注:要有记录日志的习惯,会查看报错的内容,针对处理. ...
IMP-00008 unrecognized statement in the export file: string Cause: Import did not recognize a statement in the export file. Either the export file was corrupted, or an Import internal error has occurred. Action: If the export file was corrupted, retry with a new export file. Otherwise, ...
IMP-00008 unrecognized statement in the export file: string Cause: Import did not recognize a statement in the export file. Either the export file was corrupted, or an Import internal error has occurred. Action: If the export file was corrupted, retry with a new export file. Otherwise, ...
You try to import an export dump using the original import utility (imp) and received the errors: IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length IMP-00008: unrecognized statement in the export file Let's follow the next example that demonstrates this. Changes NONE Cause Sign In To view ...
可以看到一些字符集的问题,这些日志头过后,可以看到导入一些数据信息。导入一会过后,报了一个:IMP-00032: SQL 语句超过缓冲区长度 的错误: 等导入程序终止之后,开始修改上图中的红框3中缓冲区的大小。 进行再次导入出现这个错误:IMP-00008: 导出文件中出现无法识别的语句。
王浩信声称拍剧拍到天昏地暗,连睡觉时间都没有,日前陈自瑶独自逛街突然接电话后买套,之后急急忙回家,看来是即买即用。 见人即慌忙缩手 上月14日下午2时,陈自瑶素颜到铜锣湾万宁购物,排队付款时,突然接了一通电话,她“哦”了一声后,就低头折返,在售卖避孕套的货架前徘徊良久,伸手拿起其中一盒安全套,突然有人...