7点击“音乐和音效”按钮(工具栏上的音符按钮)。你会看到照片浏览器转换为iTunes音乐库和Garage Band、Sound Effects文件夹了。 浏览音乐列表,找到最想要添加的音乐。找到以后,点击歌曲,拖动到项目浏览器中的视频结尾部分。不要拖动到视频片段之上。看到绿色竖直线,就放开鼠标,你会看到音乐片段添加到影片中了。 背景...
wikiHow Tech Help Pro: Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve Let's go! X Join us in our mission For over a decade, we’ve been on a mission: to help everyone in the world learn how to do anything. Today, we’re asking that you join us. Any amount that you...
× wikiHow Tech Help Pro: Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve Let's go! X Join us in our mission For over a decade, we’ve been on a mission: to help everyone in the world learn how to do anything. Today, we’re asking that you join us. Any amount that...