读音:美[ɪ´məʊdiəm]英[ɪ´məʊdiəm] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 imodium中文翻译 易蒙停 imodium是什么意思网络解释 易蒙停; 洛哌丁胺; 泻立停 词组短语 1.ImodiumUsa关于我们 2.LoperwagerweeneImodium洛哌丁胺 单词专题
Imodium的中文名是易蒙停,也叫做盐酸洛哌丁胺胶囊。这是一种止泻药,主要用于治疗急、慢性腹泻。它通过减缓肠道蠕动,延长食物在小肠内的停留时间,并减少大便次数和量,从而达到止泻的效果。 以下是关于易蒙停的一些详细信息: 用途:主要用于控制急、慢性腹泻的症状。适用于因食物中毒、肠道感染等原因引起的急性腹泻,以及因...
IMODIUM® products have been helping diarrhea sufferers for over 35 years. There are different IMODIUM® products available to choose from to help treat your symptoms. For example, you may have gas, cramps or bloating accompanying your diarrhea symptoms. IMODIUM® Multi-Symptom Relief can reli...
Find information about IMODIUM® anti-diarrheal products as well as educational information on how to manage and avoid diarrhea symptoms.
【香港直邮】IMODIUM易蒙停止腹泻胶囊 有效缓解突发性腹泻便稀拉肚子胃痉挛肠胃不适止泻药 2mg*20粒/盒图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Discover Imodium® Dual Action Relief Tablets Unique soothing formula helps to relieve diarrhoea, cramps, bloating & wind* SHOP NOW SHOP ALL IMODIUM® Calm the chaos of diarrhoea. Imodium®has been helping to treat short term or acute diarrhoea for over 40 years. Diarrhoea is the passing ...
The meaning of IMODIUM is —used for a preparation of the hydrochloride of loperamide.
欧洲直邮Imodium止泻口溶片12粒无需水服急性快速止住腹泻盐酸距结束 26 : 26 : 13 : 17 ¥ 130 折后 ¥ 114.4 1件8.8折 发货地: 德国 风格: 欧洲 直邮 Imodium 止泻 口溶片 12粒 无需 水服 急性 快速 去购买 收藏
Imodium [ai`məudiəm] 医学辞典 盐酸氯苯哌酰胺 (loperamide hydrochloride)制剂的商品名 专业医学词典 盐酸洛哌丁胺,盐酸氯苯哌酰胺制剂的商品名 与"Imodium"相近的词条 ... immvore RNA imn imno glycinura imnoglycinura imnudom Imodium Imogam Rabies Immune Globulin imolamine imoran azathioprine Imo...
IMODIUM®Multi-Symptom Relief is the only OTC anti-diarrheal tablet that relieves diarrhea along with the symptoms of gas, bloating, cramps and pressure. The combination of Loperamide plus Simethicone provides fast relief from acute diarrhea and associated gas-related abdominal discomfort. No other ...