OWNERIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERSCHEME (CircularletterNo.2554/Rev.1and Corr.1) TheIMOUniqueCompanyand RegisteredOwnerIdentification Numberchemewasintroduced throughtheadoptionbythe MaritimeSafetyCommittee(MSC), atitsseventy-eighthsession(12to 21May2004),ofresolution ...
GISIS gives access to data regarding security system, organizational ports,SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea)compliance and port facilities according to the country and as per port number/Unique ID through ‘Maritime Security’ module. ‘Contact Points’ guides seafarers and staffs off the board by...
in a part-loaded condition should also advise: .1 berthing displacement and draughts; .2 previous loading or unloading port; .3 nature and stowage of cargo already on board and, when dangerous goods in bulk are on board, the name of the material, IMO Class and UN Number or BC Number. ...
Participants explored a number of hypothetical scenarios related to maritime and port security. The workshop also reviewed existing procedures to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. Around 40 participants from various national agencies attended the event, including port authorities, customs and...
2010年上半年生效的IMO公约.pdf,C C S 通函 Circular 中国船级社 技术管理处(2009年)通函第 029号总第 358号 2009年12月2 日(共5页) TO:本社总部有关处室、验船师、审图中心,有关船东、船舶管理公司,船厂、设计单位 关于将在 2010 年上半年生效的 IMO 强制性文件的
Moved to act on maritime security IMO’s International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code entered into force in July 2004. As can be seen, IMO takes a very long time to introduce new legislation or revise extant legislation, sometimes at the cost of lives and vast amounts of mone...
Have following information ready to hand when ordering spare parts: - Pump type Pump number Year of manufacture - Part number Designation Quantity 6. Troubleshooting 6.1. Pump Malfunctions If malfunctions occur that are not specified in following table or cannot be traced to specified causes, ...