于是后来发现了 immutable「不可变数据」,曾经我也一度特别喜欢它,但时间久了,慢慢发现,它过于有个性了些、凡事都都没有任何商量的余地,所有的数据,从创建、变更、插入、删除等操作,都要按它的套路来,对于我这种一生放荡不羁爱自由的人来说,长时间的约束,是不能忍的;都说两人如果三观不合,是无法长久下去的,可...
immutable-assign (iassign.js) Lightweight immutable helper that allows you to continue working with POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object), and supports full TypeScript type checking for nested objects. This library is trying to solve the following problems: Most immutable JavaScript libraries try to ...
IP is an immutable value object for (both version 4 and 6) IP addresses. Several helper methods are provided for ranges, broadcast and network addresses, subnet masks, whether an IP is a certain type (defined by RFC's), etc. This project aims for simplicity of use and any contribution ...
immutable-xjc is a JAXB 4.0 XJC plugin for making schema derived classes immutable with optional builder pattern generator. - Bump org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 · sabomichal/immutable-xjc@92e1d7d