The International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) defines spontaneous abortion as: “the loss of pregnancy from natural causes before the 20th week of pregnancy.” The definition includes the assumption that, expulsion of products of conception occurs without deliberate interference an...
PregnancyWhether or not the individual had a pregnancy-related ICD code recorded in the past 90 days relative to the PCR testing date. Number of other vaccinesCount of the total number of unique vaccines (excluding the vaccine which is the treatment variable) taken by the individual in the pas...
Estimates of VE for children who were up-to-date for immunization were obtained for the four time periods of: under 1 year (15–364 d), 1–3 years, 4–7 years and greater than 8 years since last immunization. In the multivariable analysis, we adjusted for sex (male or ...