In the event that your immunization registry requests that you include a patient status with your vaccine record submissions, you can enable the Patient Immunization Registry Status field within the Communication Preferences component. This field will allow you to record a patient status for submission ...
Home Glossary Release Information
Sitler, Lisa
Check the box beside the immunizations and dates you wish to import into the patient’s PCC EHR record. You can only import new entries from the registry; entries that already exist in the EHR are excluded from the import window, even if they have a different status in the registry than ...
Immunization status. "Up-to-date" status was defined as adherence (within 1 month) to a 4- 3-1-3-3 (4 diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis; 3 poliovirus vaccines; 1 measles-containing vac- cine; 3 Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines; and 3 hepatitis B doses) age-specific immuniza- tion ...
Meanwhile, IIS registries can identify past-due and upcoming vaccines based on ACIP recommendations, empowering phar- macists (and other providers) to take a proactive approach to vaccination health. By analyzing their patients’ immunization status, pharmacists can act upon current and missed o...