The meaning of IMMUNIZATION is the act of making someone or something immune or the state of being immune : the act or result of immunizing someone or something. How to use immunization in a sentence.
Spanish / Español Select a language: immunize [ˈɪmjʊnaɪz]VT(Med) →inmunizar Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
It is crucial that your organization’s patient portal is also in your member’s native language to increase patient participation and ensure understanding when reviewing appointments and accessing their health records. Access to one place for patient education and after-visit summaries will i...
and even, perhaps, on a national level, so that th'e experience of the District of Columbia Health Department would have some permanent im- pact. Some people's records have been warehoused and then destroyed, while some people's records can't be found and are not carried with the child....
However, whenever there is a vaccine shortage, these beneficiaries may feel forced to forge immunization records to remain in the program, resulting in overestimating vaccination levels [20]. Another key finding of the study is the little or no correlation between caregivers' recall and records on...
opportunities for human papillomavirus immunization among young adult women who attended an urban obstetrics and gynecology clinic.Study DesignIn this cross-sectional study, medical records were reviewed for all women 18–26 years of age who were underimmunized (<3 doses) and who sought care from ...
Clinical records of RV-positive children were reviewed. Results: As RV-vaccination was introduced, there was a decrease in the rate of RV-positive cases (per 1,000 hospital visits) from 3.82 to 0.73. A change was noted in the prevailing genotypes, from a predominance of G1P[8] strains ...
making it easy to learn about the timing of various immunizations and their importance. In addition, using the Immunization Management Tool, they will also be able to print their child's immunization records — something that can be useful for fulfilling school requirements," says Dr...
The meaning of IMMUNIZATION is the act of making someone or something immune or the state of being immune : the act or result of immunizing someone or something. How to use immunization in a sentence.