While some lucky people claim to have never had COVID, many are facing our second, third or even fourth infection, often despite having been vaccinated. You might be wondering, how long does immunity last after a previous infection or vaccination? Let's take a look at what the evidence sho...
Initially, scientists observed people'santibody levels rapidly decreasedshortly after recovery from COVID-19. However, more recently, we've seen positive signs of long-lasting immunity, withantibody-producing cellsin the bone marrow identified seven to eight months following infection with COVID-19. ...
Our immune system is incredibly powerful, and these studies showing persistent immune responses nine months after infection are real cause for celebration. They give us confidence that, with vaccination, we have a real chance to win the war against COVID-19. Source: Sheena Cruickshank/The ...
NEW DELHI, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- Chief scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO) Soumya Swaminathan Thursday warned against the idea of attaining herd immunity through natural infection to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it "foolish" as there are huge costs to be paid. "Heard immu...
T cell-mediated immunity is the main factor of the antiviral immune response; moreover, SARS-CoV-2 infection initiates a rapid B-cell response. In this paper, we present the current state of knowledge on immunity after COVID-19 infection and vaccination. We discuss the mechanisms of immune ...
There are marked differences in your immune system after a natural infection with coronavirus and after vaccination. Which is better? Even asking the question bordered on heresy a year ago, when catching Covid for the first time could be deadly, especially for the elderly or people already in...
The issue of postinfection immunity goes to the heart of the problem of whether any patient ever recovers fully from COVID-19. Further unanswered questions regarding COVID-19 transmission and immunity include: (1) What are the likely long-term effects of COVID-19 on the heart, liver, lungs...
How long is your COVID vaccine good for?Until recently, it’s been nearly impossible to say. Immunity, whether from vaccine or prior infection, is thought to wane after three or four months, but it varies by person. That knowledge is based on what’s known about...
Memory B cells specific to COVID-19 were found in samples taken 242 days after symptom onset, the results showed. According to Schaffner, "It does really suggest that once we experience the infection, our immune response recognizes the foreignness of COVID and sets up a mechanism so it will...
We still have much to learn about the immunology of COVID-19, but the pace of research is astounding, and the more we learn, the more we are empowered to beat this virus. Ourimmune systemis incredibly powerful, and these studies showing persistent immune responses nine months afterinfectionar...