The structure of the immune system and the relationship between its componentsAfferent, central and efferent phases comprise the three functional steps of the immune response.JánosJákó
The immune system of our body consists of series of cells, called white blood cells, which act in a sequential manner, like a planned military defense system. The various cells have specialized functions which are performed in a highly accurate and controlled manner. Though, the immune system ...
immune system provides this kind of nonspecific protection through a number of defense mechanisms, which include physical barriers such as theskin, chemical barriers such as antimicrobial proteins that harm or destroy invaders, and cells that attack foreign cells and body cells harbouring infectious ...
1、Chapter 10 Immune system,immunologic defence function immune surveillance function immune homeostasis,1. Components,1)Cells, Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and ...
In this Review, we consider the role of the immune system as the gatekeeper and master regulator of brain–gut and gut–brain communications. Although adaptive immunity (T cells in particular) participates in this process, there is an emerging role for cells of the innate immune compartment (...
intraepithelial lymphocytescontained within the epithelium ofmucosaand the lamina propria located immediately beneath the epithelium are responsible for effector functions. They occur diffusely in mucosal tissues and lack the well-defined structure of the organizedmucosal immune system....
There were more immune system genes and cytoskeleton organization genes among MIEGs and MDEGs than DEGs in general, and the RNAi pathway was one of the major antiviral pathways. Taking together, this informative integrated immune analysis provides a deeper understanding of the innate immune system ...
Sleep is closely related to immunity, for many immune functions depend on circadian and regular sleep. All components of the immune system are affected by sleep, such as lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, cytokines and so on. Whe...
Many studies of intestinal immunology have overlooked the fact that the intestine comprises several anatomically defined segments that each have distinct physiological roles and immunological components. The immune system of the small intestine focuses on protecting the ability of the surface epithelium to ...
Expression profile of proteins identified within the peritoneal fluid relating to (A) blood, coagulation and the immune system, (B) cell cycle and cell adhesion, (C) collagen and cytoskeletal structure. The fold change, represented on a log 2 scale, was calculated based on the differences in ...