Immortals of Aveum key features Be the battlemage Join the order of Immortals, the champion protectors of Lucium, and become Jak, an elite Triarch Magnus. Unleash magic spells with deadly skill and decimate legions of enemies. Master your magic Magic is at the core of both your offense ...
Immortals of Aveum is a single-player first person magic shooter that tells the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss.With legions of soldiers on both sides of the Everwar, he must uncover the mysteries of Aveum's troubled past,...
Ознакомьтесьсруководствамиисоветамипоустранениюнеполадок, которыепомогутвамнайтиответынавопросыпо Immortals Of Aveum.
Immortals of Aveum ist ein Einzelspieler-Magieshooter aus der Egoperspektive, der die Geschichte von Jak erzählt, der einem elitären Orden aus Kampfmagiern beigetreten ist, um die Welt vor dem Untergang zu retten. Während sich die Legionen beider Seiten im Ewigen Krieg bekämpfen, ...
简介:先通关十一章后看攻略;已有6名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 916、弹幕量 0、点赞数 6、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 7
《Immortals of Aveum》由《Dead Space》和《Call of Duty》的創意總監 Bret Robbins 領導的 3A 級獨立團隊 Ascendant Studios 所開發,並由 EA Originals 發行。遊戲將在 2023 年 7 月 20 日於 PlayStation 5 推出。 ※遊戲內容推出日期可能根據不同地區/國家而有所調整。
Pre-order* Immortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Edition and get the Ancient Relics of Aveum Pack, containing: - Purified Arclight – a unique blue sigil that will unleash more power for Jak's blue Strike spells and Shatter Fury spell! - Triarch’s Wrath – can be equipped as either Jak’s ...
《Immortals of Aveum》是一款第一人称魔法射击游戏,你将扮演Jak,他被推入了永恒战争的中心。现在轮到Jak和精英战斗法师们保护魔法,阻止暴君Sandrakk将Aveum推向毁灭。深入研究游戏的第一人称战斗系统,掌握所有魔法以适应你想要的游戏方式,探索如何使用25种独特的法术,超过80种天赋,还有数百件魔法装备来定制你的施法体...
anything else. “I want players to really fall in love with the world,” says Robbins. “We’ve created a great story and a great combat system, all wrapped under the umbrella of Aveum. I truly hope the players will come to enjoy this world and the story and characters we’ve ...
Immortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Upgrade USD$10.00 يبدي الأشخاص إعجابهم أيضًا بـ إظهار الكل Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand USD$49.99+ Avowed Standard Edition USD$69.99+ WILD HEARTS™ Karakuri Edition US...