I am a USC living in England and married my EU citizen spouse ~3months ago. I worked for my current company in the US for a few years before being reassigned to a temporary contract-based project in the UK. I have been here for ~3years and my assignment ends next September (~10...
Intend to leave the UK when you complete your studies Working After Degree Completion Like the US, students who complete a degree program in England are allowed to apply for a one year extension of their visa to allow them to gain work experience in the UK, without having to obtain a work...
Immigration and Identity in the USA, England, and Australia: The Cases of New York, London, and SydneyBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBotsford Mullendore, KristineJelier, RichardPublic Administration Theory-networking Conference
Between 1820 and 1860 most immigrants came from northern and western Europe. The potato famine in Ireland (1845-1847) brought large numbers to the United States. The unsuccessful 1848 Revolution in Germany also created considerable emigration. Others came from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Scotl...
As an immigrant from England who obtained his own green card and US citizenship, Mr. Capp is ideally suited to understand your immigration needs. Mr. Capp has been advising clients in the field of US immigration law for over 25 years and has lectured in immigration law throughout the UK....
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter Watch our videos About Us Home About Services Articles & Insights Subscribe US Immigration Attorneys NNU Immigration is a leading firm of US immigration attorneys, advising companies, entrepreneurs, investors, individuals and families, from offices in the USA and the...
I am a brand new citizen and I am filing papers to bring my parents from England to NY to live with my husband and our four children. As I understand it once they get their interview and medical stuff out of the way, and get their visas do they enter as Legal Permanent residences?
I had no plans staying over my visa but faith had its own plans. I meet guy and we married in 2007. We continued living together till we went to a lawyer and advised me to go back to England as that’s the only way for my hubby to apply a petition for me. Meanwhile we took hi...
For individuals from treaty countries who are coming to the US to engage in substantial international trade. Investment Requirement Requires a substantial investment in a US business. The investment must be significant in relation to the cost of the business. No investment required. Focuses on trade...
“He’s not going to tip his hand.” But the group came for the meeting, the official said, to “make sure he hears from the administration.” On Monday, lawmakers expressed hope that such a deal could come together before the Thursday funding deadline, but wouldn’t call it likely. ...