The history of Chinese people in America is a story of struggle against racism and persecution, but the lesser-told narrative is how this population became an integral part of America as we know it today. For AAPI Heritage Month, we head to the Museum of Chinese in Ame...
Chinese Immigration to United States 1800s
America's Immigration Policy Fiasco: Learning from Past Mistakes In this essay I discuss how and why U.S. policies intended to stop Latin American immigration to the United States not only failed, but proved counterproductive by ultimately accelerating the rate of both documented and undocumented mi...
AMERICA'S NEW IMMIGRATION LAW: ORIGINS, RATIONALES, AND POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES: SIMPSON-MAZZOLI VS. THE REALITIES OF MEXICAN IMMIGRATION While legal entry visas for Mexicans to come to the US have been limited to 20000 a year and temporary worker programs have been strongly curtailed employe... ...
from India, to South Africa and Mozambique, to Kenya, to Canada and the United Kingdom and, in my case, to America. We know what it’s like to look for and, ultimately, to find a home. And we will fight to make that home a better place for our children and for those who...
Dive into the world of German and Swiss settlers in America during the 1700s-1800s. Explore immigration records, historical essays, and lists of emigrants to understand their experiences.
Before CBP, security, compliance and facilitation of international travel and trade were conducted by multiple organizations. The consolidation of these roles and responsibilities allowed CBP to develop seamless security procedures while ensuring compliance with the nation’s immigration, health, and internat...
to America. Criticism of Italians became integral to the successful legislative drives to enact the nativist Literacy Test in 1917 and National Origins Acts in 1921 and 1924. Within Little Italies, immigrants created New World societies. A network of Italian language institutions—newspapers, theaters...
The stage was set for French immigration to North America in the early 1500s, during a religious movement known as the Reformation. At this time, many citizens of France and other European nations protested against some of the doctrines and corrupt practices then prevailing in the Roman Catholic...
“Maduro is looking to conduct an election that appears just fair enough to improve his international image without risking his greatest nightmare, which would be to lose power. That’s why he’s wavering on the date and trying to bend the opposition’s main candidate,” W...