youB States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit No. 23-1443 AMGAD SAMIR HALIM KHALIL, Petitioner, v. MERRICK B. GARLAND, Attorney General, Respondent. PETITION FOR REVIEW OF AN ORDER OF THE BOARD OF IMMIG...
is now under attack for short term political gain.This is the Republican *leadership*, working every day to change what it means to be an American (which you can only be if they approve of your heritage). This is officially disgusting. ...
In short, it does just the opposite! Some experienced practitioners have “had enough” and reduced or eliminated their Immigration Court presence while others have changed to other areas of practice because of EOIR’s continuing dysfunction under Garland. This should be a “solvable” problem ...
I think because seeing these displays on the streets where you grew up ‘hits home’ but also because over the last few weeks my hometown has become shorthand for stories of ‘the state of the nation’ in troubling ways. In short, Sunderland is being used as a marker of a narrative ...
Combined they tell the rich and patriotic stories of the convergence of our dearest American values: hard work, opportunity, and equality. Share with your students the American story of 3 very different, yet all so similar, immigrants groups spanning the last 100 years. And show how diverse so...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: GordinskySmuggled Belongings: Alex Epstein’s Fiction of Immigration“Kizurey derekh ha-baita” [Shortcuts Home], the title story of Alex Epstein’s fifth collection of stories (translated into English...
“Self-Organized Detainees,” a short article by Him Mark Lai on “Angel Island: A Historical Perspective” (PDF), a very thorough paper, with a timeline and photos, co-authored by Paul Chow and numerous community organizations. “Poetry and the Politics of Chinese Immigration ... Oh, come here to the USA and make every manner of PUBLIC DEMAND upon the law abiding citizens of the United States of America for their TAX DOLLARS and for every manner of US citizen funded SERVICE such as education, medicine, food, etc...
Postman speaks of the "stories, narratives, tales, theories" that serve as mo- ral and intellectual frameworks for individuals and socie- ties. Human beings require stories to give meaning to the facts of their existence. I am not talking here about those special- ized stories that we call ...
Without them, many health systems would be short-staffed, many parents would not have the home help they need to pursue careers, and many jobs that provide services and generate revenue would go unfilled. Immigrants are part of the solution, not part of the problem. All who are committed ...