Mr. Bush had given me very good guidelines, and had worked on the recommendation letters diligently, then finally generated a very strong petition letter!
That is important to her as she will need a good recommendation from her school to secure future employment in the USA and also not to abandon her current students during a school year. So the short question is: can she come on October 21, 2022 for five days then make the permanent ...
I do understand home sickness. My recommendation for you is go somewhere sunny like Florida as you will not feel home sick as intense when the weather is nice. I mean that seriously as I am an expert on living abroad, did it a good part of my life. Nicoles...
We presented proof of Dmitrii’s college attendance and classes; part-time job contract; his fiancé’s statement; letters of recommendation from local religious organizations; as well as titles to his apartment and a car.ASYLUM APPLICANT RECEIVED EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION AFTER MOTION TO RESTART THE...
Should a white ethnostate come into being on this continent, it too will need to set an immigration policy. Such policy must not be one of “open borders for all white people.” The interests of the native population ought to come first, and their wages must not be undercut by migrants...
(E) of such subsection), may, after approval by the Attorney General of a recommendation by the Secretary of State or by the consular officer that the alien be admitted temporarily despite his inadmissibility, be granted such a visa and may be admitted into the United States temporarily as a...