Fragomen is a global leader in immigration services, with 70+ years of experience, 5,500 professionals, and 60+ offices worldwide. Our trusted immigration lawyers and advisors offer strategic solutions for businesses and individuals across 170+ countries
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Despite the problems, Ma believes there is “no better place” like Globevisa, and she is certain that the company’s establishment in non-mainstream immigration programs/ destinations will allow middle-class applicants and applicants who have specific conditions, which stop them from migrating to an...
TheUSAhasalwaysbeenasymboloffreedom,it attractsmillionspeopletoimmigratetothere. Greatchancesorbigsocialproblems? InsomecountriessuchasSaudiArabia,90%people areforeignborns.Assomanyimmigrations,the worldhasbecomemoreandmoreinternational.Itis nowjustseemslikeaglobalvillage. ...
The United Arab Emirates is widely known as one of the wealthiest countries in the world and this is the main reason behind attracting many immigrants to the country. It has a total population of about 9.2 million people and the GDP (PPP) per capita is $30,984. The number of immigrants...
"because of the inability of the European Union itself to find an answer either to the external dimension of the matter, the problems of Syria and the Middle East, or the internal dimension of the subject, which is how to administer at an EU level this phenomenon in the best possible way...
"because of the inability of the European Union itself to find an answer either to the external dimension of the matter, the problems of Syria and the Middle East, or the internal dimension of the subject, which is how to administer at an EU level this phenomenon in the best possible way...
Foreign mothers account for one birth in five in Switzerland and one in eight in Germany and Britain. If these children grow up underprivileged and undereducated, they will create a new underclass that may take many years to emerge from poverty. For Europe, immigration creates particular problems...
The minister argued that Turkey has become the principal center for refugees mainly from Afghanistan, Pakistan and some countries in Africa and the Middle East, who are creating growing problems for the country. "We have been encountering a flood of migrants into our country," Soylu said at a...