Under the current plan, Canada is looking to welcome 411,000 new immigrants in 2022 and 421,000 in 2023, however these figures may be revised when the federal government unveils their new levels plans. The first will come by February 14 when minister Fraser is set to table Canada's ...
While the vast majority of immigrants are in the country legally, unauthorized immigration has been on the rise. In 2022, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. showed sustained growth for the first time since 2007,reaching 11 million.Given the surge in immigration in the pa...
Therecent releasefrom the bank notes that new immigration targets remain unchanged in the federal government’s latest three-year outlook. Canada plans to admit 485,000 newcomers next year, 500,000 in 2025, and the same number in 2026. “This pauses the recent pattern of increasing tar...
Canada admits record 431,645 new immigrants in 2022 Canada has set a new record in immigration by admitting 431,645 new permanent residents in 2022, the largest number of people ever welcomed in a year in the country’s history. Newcomers play an essential role in filling labour shortages, ...
Immigration in Spain has had significant demographic, social, and economic impacts. Since the end of the 20th century until approximately 2010, the number of immigrants has increased considerably. That year more than one in ten inhabitants in Spain came from other countries. In 2023, the ...
Most people in the fiscal year of 2022 who obtained green cards in the United States came from Mexico, with a total of 138,772 green card recipients.
Austria Migration: Immigration data was reported at 194,959.000 Person in Dec 2023. This records a decrease from the previous number of 261,937.000 Person for Dec 2022. Austria Migration: Immigration data is updated yearly, averaging 118,506.000 Person (
International migration in general and the recent refugee crisis in particular are complex and much debated topics in European politics. Concurrently, education systems must operate under uncertain and unpredictable conditions. In this situation, migrant children become a group at particular educational ...
For example, in 2022 there were over 800,000 international students in Canada and last year the minister said he expected that number to rise to 900,000 by the end of 2023. This is more than triple the number of international students a decade ago (275,000 in 201...
The latest immigration figures for 2022 showed another steep increase in the number of people coming to the UK.Based on the latest estimates, nearly 1.2 million people immigrated in 2022 while around 557,000 left the country, leading to a net ...