美国移民与国籍法(Immigration and Nationality Act)第212条规定不允许受理任何“现在或曾经为D员”的人移民美国申请。这个条款是1952年麦卡锡主义高潮时制订的,但六十多年来执行起来一直不严格。可如果撒谎,入籍之后被举报或查出D员身份,会被追诉!//@江苏东方之子:中国人办理美国绿卡,必须脱离中国共产党,这是真的吗?
一、212条款是什么212条款属于美国《移民和国籍法案》(Immigration and Nationality Act)的一部分,涵盖了拒绝入境美国的各种可能情况。该法律旨在保护美国公民的利益,确保拒绝进入美国的人员具有良好的道德素质和稳定的身份。二、212条款的种类212条款可以分为两大类:永久禁止入境和临时禁止入境。1.永久禁止入境💝犯罪:...
“总统已根据《移民和国籍法》(Immigration and Nationality Act)第212F款的授权签署总统公告,暂停有传播2019新型冠状病毒危险的外国人入境美国。 因此,除美国公民和永久居民的直系亲属以外,在过去14天内曾前往中国旅行的外国公民目前将被拒绝入境美国,上述措施将于美国东部标准时间2月2日星期日下午5时生效。 美国对中...
35; Republic of Korea, 1992 Act, arts. 67(1) and 89(1)(5); and United States, Immigration and Nationality Act, sect. 212(a)(2)(A). daccess-ods.un.org 中国1978 年法律第 35 条;美利坚合众国移民与国籍法第212(a)(2)(A)条;大韩民国 1992 年 法律第 67(1)和 89(1)(5)条。
United States, Immigration and Nationality Act, sect. 212(a)(2)(A). daccess-ods.un.org 中国1978 年法律第 35 条;美利坚合众国移民与国籍法第212(a)(2)(A)条;大韩民国 1992 年 法律第 67(1)和 89(1)(5)条。 daccess-ods.un.org The EB-5 visa program commenced in 1990 under section...
212(a)(6)(C)(i) Fraud or Misrepresentation Inadmissibility Series INA 212– Part I 212(a)(6)(C)(i) Fraud or Misrepresentation Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 lists a series of classes of foreign nationals who are inadmissible t
immigration lawImmigration and Nationality Actlegal permanent residentsCase at a Glance: Judulang v. Holder Joel Judulang, a legal permanent resident of the United States who is deportable for his conviction of an aggravateSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
系统标签: act immigration nationality aliens nonimmigrants visas IMMIGRATIONANDNATIONALITYACT UpdatedThroughMarch4,2010 PostedMay,2010 Acronymsusedinfootnotetext INA:TITLEI ACT 101 Definitions ACT 102 ApplicabilityofTitleIItocertainNonimmigrants ACT 103 PowersanddutiesoftheAttorneyGeneralandtheCommissioner. ACT ...
Once the petitioner demonstrates the essential function, it must establish that the beneficiary’s position meets all criteria for “managerial capacity” as defined in 101(a)(44)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). INA § 101(a)(44)(A) defines “managerial capacity” as: [A...
Waivers of Inadmissibility Under Sections 212(h) and 209(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act: Strategies for Success When the Government Alleges a Violent or Dangerous CrimeAdjudicators often misread regulations, statutory provisions, and case law to deny certain waivers of inadmissibility on ...