Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short video I discuss the notion of Administrative Flux. More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting 10 Must Have resources for any Hong Kong investment visa application Is it actuall...
This is because there is a lacuna of official guiding information coming from the Immigration Department as their role is to simply inform and decide, not to advise. Moreover, many people tend to follow a general scenario-based approach without realizing that each immigration case is unique. It...
Can a Hong Kong Sole Proprietorship Form the Basis of a Self-Sponsored Change of Sponsorship Hong Kong Work Visa Approval? Employment Visas,No responsesCan you get a self-sponsored change of sponsorship Hong Kong work visa? Fantastic que... 20Jun 2022 If My Hong Kong Training Visa Application...
general manager of the Nikko Bali Resort and Spa, says the constant site inspections, media trips and use of social media would quickly reveal any funny business. “Your customer can simply take a photo and post it for the entire world to see”, he says. “Customers today are smarter and...
The Department of Labor in Indonesia issues regulations on this matter in the form of a list of professional positions in every business sector that are open for the employment of expatriates.An expatriates wishing to take up employment in Indonesia, need to obtain a working permit. Usually, ...
Why and how the Hong Kong Immigration Department are getting a lot tougher now in the wake of the Audit Commission Report Number 66 - Introduction
Applying for Right of Abode in Hong Kong After 7 Years | How To Complete The Confusing Sections On the ROP145 Application Form Long Stay & PR,No responsesHong Kong Immigration ROP145 Application Form Help! The Hong Kong Immigration Depar... 19Jan 2024 Hong Kong Employment Visa | A Comprehen...
The Annex is especially helpful on the rationale for the changes being introduced and I’m starting to get the sense that it’s going to be hereafter business as usual down at Immigration Tower after all. By this I mean these changes are going to have the right effect...
Can a Hong Kong Sole Proprietorship Form the Basis of a Self-Sponsored Change of Sponsorship Hong Kong Work Visa Approval? Employment Visas,No responsesCan you get a self-sponsored change of sponsorship Hong Kong work visa? Fantastic que... 20Jun 2022 If My Hong Kong Training Visa Applicati...
Well, there’s going to be certain new government bureaux. We’re all set up specifically to provide support to International Enterprises from certain particular sectors, that are deemed to be attractive to Hong Kong and form part of our economic development policy roadmap and the government is...