Immigration reform in the United States (US) has been quite politically contentious. This is partly because of the array of vested interests that have galvanized around the policy, each making its own demands on government. These multitudes of public demands have, in turn, engendered conflicts ...
In The Immigration Crisis, the political scientist and social activist Armando Navarro takes a hard look at 400 years of immigration into the territories that now form the United States, paying particular attention to the ways in which immigrants have been received. The book provides a poli... ...
WASHINGTON, July 3 (Xinhua) -- As recent polls show that U.S. voters see immigration as the most important issue facing the United States, U.S. President Donald Trump has been unwavering to stay tough on his handling of a migrant crisis on the U.S.- Mexico border. "Our Border Patrol...
America's Other Immigration Crisis: The United States Has a Pressing Immigration Problem. but It's Not the One You Hear about on Cable Chat Shows. Vivek Wadhwa Explains How We Are Bringing the World's Smartest Minds to Our Shores, Training Them, and Then Pushing Them Away...
So, what is the reality about immigration into the United States? Is it the “humanitarian crisis at the border” some speak about or is it, as others maintain, nothing much to worry about since apprehensions along the Southwestern border are now at an a
and U.S. Senate passed their own border relief bills and must now find a compromise. And, a devastating photo of a Salvadoran father and his daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande River brought into focus the harsh reality and the risks families are taking to reach the United States. ...
eligibilityverification,documentfraud,criminalaliens,andthegroundsforinadmissibility. Addressingthesecontentiouspolicyreformsagainstthebackdropofeconomiccrisissharpensthe socialandbusinesscleavagesandnarrowstherangeofoptions. Thereportwillbeupdatedaseventswarrant.
“In response to record numbers of illegal border crossings and the security fears triggered by the 9/11 attacks, over the past two decades theUnited Stateshas steadily increased its efforts to secure its borders against illegal immigration. The number of U.S. Border Patrol agents has risen ...
So now they own the border crisis too. Will Marshall is the president and founder of the Progressive Policy Institute. Tags Chris Murphy Donald Trump Greg Abbott Illegal immigration to the United States Immigration reform in the United States James Lankford Joe Biden Kyrsten Sinem...
The lesson needs to be remembered today, in the United States: Separating children from their families can destroy them. (To read the complete article, please visitCNN.)