同一行为中,移民者既是“emigrate from原籍国”,也是“immigrate to目标国”。例如:“She emigrated from France and immigrated to Japan.”(她离开法国,移民日本。) 记忆技巧: immigrate的“im-”前缀有“向内”之意(如import进口),emigrate的“e-”前缀有“向外”之意(如...
11. He wants to immigrate to a country where he can freely pursue his dreams.(他想移民到一个能让他自由追求梦想的国家。) 12. They immigrated toJapan because they were attracted by its unique culture.(他们移民到日本是因为被其独特的文化所吸引。) 13. More and more people are choosing to im...
- He emigrated from China to America in search of better opportunities.(他为了寻找更好的机会,从中国移民到了美国。) - She immigrated to Japan after finishing her studies.(她完成学业后移民到了日本。) 最后,希望这次的讲解能让大家对immigrate与emigrate的区别有了更清晰的认识。英语学习路上,我们要不断...
immigrate和emigrate的区别:指代不同、用法不同等。一、指代不同 1、immigrate:指移居入境。指在离开本国后,由于战争、冲突、工作机会或其他原因,永久定居在另一个国家。2、emigrate:指移居;移民。从一个国家移居到另一个国家的人在母国被称“emigrant”。The family emigrated from Japan,due to ...
2、emigrate:指移居;移民。从一个国家移居到另一个国家的人在母国被称“emigrant”。The family emigrated from Japan,due to their health issues.由于健康问题,这家人从日本移居国外。 二、用法不同 1、immigrate:侧重于“进入另一个国家”,通常指长期迁移定居。
The family emigrated from Japan, due to their health issues.(由于健康问题,这家人从日本移居国外。) Peter decided to emigrate from Canada.(彼得决定从加拿大移民。) Immigrate与Emigrate的主要区别 下面给出的要点详细解释了“Immigrate”和“Emigrate”之间的区别: “Immigrate”指的是进入并定居在另一个国家,...
Canada also has an aging population, and without a robust system of immigration, Canada would be on a similar trajectory to that of Japan in the 1990s. But unlike Japan, Canada embraced immigration and that has allowed us to maintain a large proportion of the population in prime working age...
From is used to talk about where you were in the past. To is used to talk about where you are going in the future. If you leave Japan, you say emigrate from Japan. If you leave the US, you say emigrate from the US. If you are going to Japan you say,immigrateto Japan. ...
Since such agreements are based on reciprocity, Sweden also welcomes citizens of Australia, Argentina, Chile, Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and Uruguay under the working holiday visa. The program, however only targets people aged 18 to 30 who can stay in Sweden for a ...