Italian Immigration In The Late 1800s Italian immigration became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899 as 900,000 immigrants fled to America because Italy suffered from overpopulation, poverty and natural disasters. In the 1870s, “Italian birthrates rose and death rates fell” (Digital...
For people who came to America, however, it had a slightly different meaning. Immigration for these individuals was redemption, a new hope from struggles they faced in their home countries. In the beginning of the 1800’s, the slave trade was coming to an end and America was expanding ...
Persistence and resiliency helped the Chinese to establish close-knit communities and weave their own identity into the fabric of America. Going for the Gold The social and political climate of China in the mid-1800s was that of an empire in decline. War with England, rampant addiction to ...
This index contains data on approximately 70,000 immigrants to the United States and Canada. The information originates from numerous North American and Scottish locations and would be difficult to access otherwise. Public and private records were collec
Possible classroom resources include: Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman; Tenement: Immigrant Life on the Lower East Side by Raymond Bial; Polish Immigrants: 1890-1920 (Coming to America) by Rosemary Wallner; Irish Immigrants, 1840-1920 (Blue Earth Books: Coming to America) by Megan O'Hara; Ch...
characterized by unfavourable labour conditions and low pay, making them unattractive to the local population. Southern Europe thus became an attractive destination for non-European migrants, especially those from North Africa, Latin America, Asia, and—after the fall of the Iron Curtain—Easter...
What were the push-and-pull factors for immigrants coming to New England? What caused the immigration to America in the 1800s? What caused immigration to America in the mid-1800s? What helped U.S. immigrants in the 1800s and early 1900s retain their cultures? What caused anti...
Chapter 20 – Immigrants and Urban Life Section Notes Video A New Wave of Immigration The Growth of Cities City Life The Impact of Immigrants on the United States Quick Facts Maps Tenement Life Chapter 20 Visual Summary Coming to America Images Shifting Patterns of Immigration Primary Source: Chic...
Coming to America Gustaf Sjöström’s Jan Olsons Äfventyr, 1892“A childhood acquaintance, greatly changed.” Drawing from 1892, illustrating the transformation in North America of a young immigrant woman from Sweden. “Old” Immigrants (1820-1870) ...
Joanne Jacobs Nov 2, 20222 min read America is not black and white any more Affirmative action was created at a time when most Americans belonged to a white majority or a black minority, writes Megan McArdle in... 11 comments Joanne Jacobs Aug 21, 20222 min read Thank you, Ms. Lung ...