The Industrial Revolution brought new types of jobs which required communication and skills. Today there are 38.5 million immigrants living in the United Statesthe majority of which are Latino. The job market has become very competitive for these new immigrants, so competitive in fact, that ...
The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other. The agricultural revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city and made it possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people needed to provide a workforce for growing...
America is a nation of immigrants due to various factors.Before 1860 it was related with European economic development,popolation growth,industrial revolution,etc..The progress of immigrants into the United States is the con-comitant of globalization progress,the international re_distribution of labor...
So it should come as no surprise that immigrants will help drive the green revolution. America's young scientists and engineers, especially the ones drawn to emerging industries like alternative energy, tend to speak with an accent. Yet, the connection between immigration and the development and ...
Japanese Immigrants to Texas The Kishis came to Texas in 1908. Kichimatsu Kishi was a successful businessman who founded a 3,500 acre rice colony at Terry, Texas on the Southern Pacific Railroad line between Orange and Jefferson Counties. h t t p : / / e d u c a t i o n . t...
What was life like and what were the living conditions for immigrants in the early 1900s (around 1910)? What role did immigration play in the Second Industrial Revolution? What was one major effect of industrialization on American society?
rural Americans and helped attract many of them from the farms into the cities(为城市带来了居住在农村的美国人无法享受到的舒适,因此吸引了更多的人从先前居住的农场移居到城市中来)指出城市对乡村居民具有很大的诱惑力,而lure之前加了the说明是前面提到过的,因此可以推断出它的意思是“诱惑,吸引”,故B符合...
Picturing America, Thomas Cole and the birth of American art (Talbott)- environmentalism, super boring biography of an artist. English american immigrant, industrial revolution. weird picture of what i assume is supposed to be an Irish man (George(?) Bruen) who looks like a leprechaun. the fu...
ThesenewimmigrantssuppliedthelabornecessaryfortheindustrialrevolutionintheUnited States.However,native-bornAmericansfearedthenewimmigrantsaseconomiccompetitors anddisdainedtheiraliencustomsandreligions.Between1880and1920,millionsofforeigners pouredintothecountry.Inthepeakdecadesofimmigration,1900–1909,nearlytwomillion ...
Subsequently, agricultural enclosures and the inroads of the early Industrial Revolution merely compounded economic chaos. From 1815 on, by the tens and hundreds of thousands, villagers and city-dwellers alike sought a new future overseas. Their destination of choice was overwhelmingly the United ...