If you hear stories about derogatory comments being made against new residents in the community, be sure to stand up for those struggling to find a home here and abroad. Here are some simple ways we can show support for immigrants and refugees in the USA. Donating Supplies If you...
It’s racist: As we see below, makers who stay intentionally vague on the difference between regular immigrants and refugees feed into the narrative that all brownish immigrants of color (particularly Muslim people) are from war-torn, violent countries. ...
5 years ago that we are already in the United States and it has been one of the best moments that we have. has happened to us. The first day I arrived in the USA I loved it because it is something that is new and you can have ...
5 years ago that we are already in the United States and it has been one of the best moments that we have. has happened to us. The first day I arrived in the USA I loved it because it is something that is new and you can have ...
Rubesin, HillaryJournal of Applied Arts & HealthRubesin, H. (2016), `The stories we share: Reflections on a community-based art exhibit displaying work by refugees and immigrants', Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 7: 2, pp. 159-74, doi: 10.1386/jaah.7.2.159_1...
No matter where you’re from, or how you came here, we stand with you! Join I Stand With Immigrants as we celebrate the power of immigrants across the country.
“We need dramatic reform of the immigration system to ensure every victim of domestic violence is able to seek help from the police, and that every witness to a shooting is able to testify at trial,” Krasner said in a statement.
The United States has welcomed refugees since World War II. Currently, the world is experiencing an unparalleled refugee crisis that calls for action by nations across the globe. There are over 82 million people who are forcibly displaced from their home
There are also shortcomings and limitations. It did not deliberately distinguish between immigrants and refugees, nor did it pay enough attention to the differences in expression between the two. Additionally, the relationship between this discourse and political-economic issues lacks sufficient attention,...
However, the study authors noted that Muslims were more likely to be in precarious and/or low-income positions and further cautioned that the figure did not include refugees who had recently arrived. When asked about the attachment to their host countries, 64 percent of Muslims responded that ...