Features several immigrants who are making big money in the United States. Hilda Pacheco; Rodolfo Binker; Mankeko Mahlangu-Ngcobo; Fhozie Phan; Insights into the formula for success. INSETS: `The oppo...
Although we never spoke of this again, when the story came back years later, my mother told me how hard it was for her to cut me off, to let me go. But she had to, I was fine, and the most generous thing she could have done was to set me free to be who I wanted to be. ...
UCI Distinguished Professor of sociology Rubén G. Rumbaut and Alejandro Portes of both Princeton University and the University of Miami, provide their fifth decennial update of the "permanently unfinished" story of immigration to the U.S. A modern classic, considered foundational to the ...
Critical review Whether in the early 1900s or the present day 21st century, immigration to America was all about searching for a better life; looking for the opportunity to be successful. In the short story “How I found America” Anzia is much more oppressed in America; she is discriminated...
to her father, it's illegal for kids to work in factories, and so Kim must've made up a story, Kim also learns that she has to keep important parts of her life secret. She believes it's impossible for middle-class, white Annette to understand what's it's like for an impoverished ...
Listen to this story(6 minutes) I became an American citizen in 2010. That same day, I registered to vote and voted. I love this country with a love that I have found only immigrants have. There’s a reason my family came here. ...
called to say she was worried about me after seeing these Chinese media reports. I told her that is not what most people have experienced in the U.S. I am very safe here. I did not think that the Voice of America would do the same type of reporting as state communist media in ...
Benjamin Potruff - Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America (review) - Journal of Social History 41:2 In the evening of May 4, 1886 workers gathered to attend a rally in Chicago's Haymarket square. The demonstrat...
SummaryThe coming of age story of a young Russian immigrant and his parents during their first turbulent years in America. Drama Directed By:Barry Shurchin Written By:Barry Shurchin Immigrant MetascoreGenerally UnfavorableBased on 4 Critic Reviews ...
The real story of what these international hopefuls coming to America to gain their masters. We see them fall apart and then find family within each other. The real story! Can these 4 people live and grow together and not drive each other crazy? Well, crazier - Oh and the the land lor...