1. docker-compose up 2. immich_server keeps restarting without giving any logs below is docker-compose logs output. No log from immich_server is captured! Relevant log output immich_postgres|immich_postgres|PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database;Skipping initialization immich_pos...
immich_postgres postgres postgresql 14 immich_proxy nginx nginx 1.24 First Steps: Create Jail, I'm using release 13.2 with DHCP auto-configured I'm mounting a dataset to the jail in the location: /mnt/data install packages: node18, npm-node18, nginx, graphics/vips, multimedia/ffmpeg,...
c. The final value you need to set is the password Immich will use to interact with the Postgres database. Like with the Typesnse API key, you will want to replace “postgres” with a secure long password. DB_PASSWORD=postgresCopy 9. After making these changes to the environment file, ...
You can pin this to a specific version like "v1.71.0" IMMICH_VERSION=release # Connection secret for postgres. You should change it to a random password DB_PASSWORD=*** # The values below this line do not need to be changed ### DB_HOSTNAME=immich_postgres DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_DATA...
(node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async PostgresQueryRunner.query (/usr/src/app/node_modules/typeorm/driver/postgres/PostgresQueryRunner.js:184:25) at async AddAutoStackId1703035138085.up (/usr/src/app/dist/infra/migrations/1703035138085-AddAutoStackId.js:9:9) at async Migration...
One question regarding docker compose though... I have the 2 container for immich, immich-server is doing the API/GUI job while immich-microservice container is doing the "hard-job" or getting new files/reading attributes etc. Is this scenario still supported?
postgres=# alter extension vectors update; NOTICE: version "0.2.0" of extension "vectors" is already installed ALTER EXTENSION isole commented Feb 21, 2024 Btw, granting superuser privileges to immich, gets the job done. # alter user immich with superuser; andonovski commented Feb 21, 202...
However, my Immich instance as functioned without a./postgresdirectory this whole time and I assume it's defaulted elsewhere. I'm worried that restarting the container with this default might break my setup. What should I setDB_DATA_LOCATIONto, considering my setup never had it before?
POSTGRES_PASSWORD:${DB_PASSWORD}POSTGRES_USER:${DB_USERNAME}POSTGRES_DB:${DB_DATABASE_NAME}POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS:'--data-checksums'volumes:#Do not edit the next line. If you want to change the database storage location on your system, edit the value of DB_DATA_LOCATION in the .env file...