ImmiAccount 是一个在线系统,任何人都可以注册账号,通过该账号,可以递交签证申请,更新个人信息,查看签证进度。中介也是通过该系统递交签证,并且!!!在系统中的签证申请,是可以被分享的!也就是说,中介可以把客人的签证申请,分享给客人,让客人可以看见中介做了什么,包括是否递交了申请,什么时候递交的,以及递交了什么材料...中文详情 NT北领地商业移民州担保中文详情 澳大利亚团聚移民-immiknow 309境外配偶临时签证
@知了爱学immiaccount australia 知了爱学 ImmiAccount是澳大利亚移民局提供的官方在线服务平台,主要用于签证申请与管理、信息更新、实时状态追踪等功能。用户可以通过官网注册账户,完成签证申请、支付费用、补充材料等操作,同时享受安全与隐私保护。 官网与核心功能 ImmiAccount的官方网址为,...
ImmiAccount is an online service provided by the Department of Home Affairs in Australia. It allows individuals to create and manage their visa applications and related processes electronically. How do I create an ImmiAccount? To create an ImmiAccount, visit the official website of the Department...
如下图所示,第六页询问的是Travelling companions,因为系统中明确写到Familymembers who want to travel to Australia with the applicant must lodge separatevisa applications(同行的家庭成员需要单独递交签证申请),所以此处直接选择no并点击Next即可。 接下来第七页的问题是关于居住地址的信息 ...
With over ten years of experience in migration, KBA Global has assisted many clients in achieving their dreams of studying, working, or living in Australia. We stay updated on thelatest immigration newsand policies to ensure your application is complete, increasing your chances of visa approval. ...
EA全称为Engineers Australia, 是DIBP(澳洲移民局)指定的技术移民(General SkilledMigration)评估机构,主要对STSOL或MLTSSL中(移民职业清单)中的工程师类职业提供评估服务。根据最新的STSOL和MLTSSL,EA负责评估的职业包括: --Aeronautical Engineer 233911 航空航天工程师 ...
要顺利通过职业评估,您首先要仔细在当前的MLTSSL 或 STSOL中找到与你的教育和工作背景紧密相关的职业,并牢记这个职业对应3个关键词:职业名称(Occupation),职业代码(ANZSCO Code),和职业评估机构(Assessing Authority)。例如:化学工程师对应的3个关键词:Chemical Engineer, 233111, and Engineers Australia. ...
I can realize my dream. I want to become a good geologist in the future, and Australia is a...
I can realize my dream. I want to become a good geologist in the future, and Australia is a...