data-icon-px-size Sets the size of the icon in pixels. Defaults to 20 px.LaunchResponseContains the response from the call to ImmersiveReader.launchAsync. A reference to the HTML iframe element that contains the Immersive Reader can be accessed via container.firstChild.Type...
// Microsoft Entra ApplicationId private readonly string ClientSecret; // Microsoft Entra Application Service Principal password private readonly string Subdomain; // Immersive Reader resource subdomain (resource 'Name' if the resource was created in the Azure portal, or...
onclick='launchImmersiveReader()') script. function getImmersiveReaderLaunchParamsAsync() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: '/getimmersivereaderlaunchparams', type: 'GET', success: data => { resolve(data); }, error: err => { console.lo...
// const options = { "onExit": exitCallback, "uiZIndex": 2000 }; ImmersiveReader.launchAsync(token, subdomain, data, options) .catch(function (error) { alert("Error in launching the Immersive Reader. Check the con...
描述 🚀 Immersive Summary - Your reading assistant ✨ ★ Usage ★ 1. Install the extension. 2. Click on the extension icon on any website to access the summary tool, which will be displayed in the upper right corner of the webpage. 3. You can simply click the extension icon once ...
doctype html html head title Immersive Reader Quickstart Node.js link(rel='icon', href='data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=') link(rel='stylesheet', href='') // A polyfill for Promise is needed f...
Immersive Reader is an inclusively designed tool that implements proven techniques to improve reading comprehension for new readers, language learners, and people with learning differences such as dyslexia. You can use Immersive Reader in your applications to isolate text to im...
Immersive Reader is an inclusively designed tool that implements proven techniques to improve reading comprehension for new readers, language learners, and people with learning differences such as dyslexia. You can use Immersive Reader in your applications to isolate text to i...
script(src='') script(src='') Openviews\index.pug, and replace its content with the following code. This code populates the page wi...