At some point the execution of realistic solutions within the pesky limits of time, money, technology, etc., can be a creative art in itself. When I noodle on some of the more challenging scenarios though, it often seems that the same technology limits keep popping up. I’ll sometimes ...
It was around this time in our original talk that the Raven Queen made an unexpected appearance, introducing the room to Exhibit A, an everyday citizen lost in the haze of his phone. Could the people in the room give him a reason to look up? I could describe it, but like all good ...
An initial setup for all images was chosen, and this was not changed during both exhibit events (see Figure 10(1)). Figure 10. (1) The art gallery scene; (2) a comparison of three different sessions from the Paestum event with zig-zag patterns and trajectory knots; (3) an immersive ...
1.1. L2 Learning Context Affects Learning Performance Given the difficulty most adults exhibit when learning an L2, a large body of research has focused on identifying the effects of specific aspects, including learning context, on L2 learning success. A comprehensive review by Collentine and Freed...