Adds wenches to every inn in skyrim to 'serve and chat' with the patrons of an inn using custom scenes, also some quests, adds barmaids that work as servers/innkeepers and maid wenches with a bodyguar
[I noticed a thing that keeps bugging me: each time I skip to desktop or main menu and reload the game (not if I reaload from the game), Stormcloak Leaders change their outfit for a different variant of Stormcloak officer armor. I tinkered for hours with Creation Kit, tried different ...
N网原址: 你这个是SE版,还有一个原版的 ...
N網SE版指路: Wenches 這邊我只提醒幾個重點跟Deadly Wenches跟Hateful Wenches的部分,其他的請詳細參閱richardyung的介紹 若有疑問,請務必仔細看完下面說明跟richardyung的介紹再發問 常常很多人有時間發問,卻沒時間看下介紹,打這麼多字不是寫...
Edition+Haladoon's Dogs of SSE with Names+shadows+Tempered Skins for Males - SOS Full Version+Schlongs of Skyrim SE+Sit Crosslegged DAR Version+Dual Wield SSE+Immersive Children SE - child mortality and burial and animation fixes+Realistic Ragdolls and Force+TK Dodge SE+Animated Eating Redux+...