iMMERSionHEATERWiTHSTAinLESS STEELWETTEDConSTRUCTion,1nPT ToOrder(SpecifyM delnumber) 1HeaterswithgeneralpurposeenclosuresareULListedandCSAcertified. 2Heaterswithmoistureresistant/explosionresistantenclosuresareCSANRTL/Ccertified. /*Designatevoltage,“/120”for120Vacor“/240”for240Vac.Thosenumbersalreadycontaining...
4. All stainless steel material, strong waterproof. Prolonged life of temperature sensors and timers for better durability. 5. The back hook design is suitable for a variety of containers. Easy to use in the kitchen/home USING STEP Step 1: Seal the food in a vacuum bag, then put them in...