Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a well-established psychiatric treatment for severe depression. Despite its clinical utility, post-ECT memory deficits are a common side effect. Neuronal plasticity and memory consolidation are intimately related to the expression of immediate early genes (IEG), such ...
Adults with ADHD benefit from treatment with extended-release (ER) formulations that provide symptom control for the entire day. Some patients are advised to supplement their extended-release medication with an immediate-release (IR) medication later in the day if they need to prolong its effects....
In postmarketing reports, cases of drug-induced hepatotoxicity have been reported in the first month, and in some cases, the first 2 months of therapy, but can occur at any time during treatment with diclofenac. Postmarketing surveillance has reported cases of severe hepatic reactions, including ...
Q. How do you overcome depression caused by the death of a loved-one?I have been in a relationship for 3 and a half years, and been living with my girlfriend that just passed on suddenly. I don't have many friends, probably enough for one hand to count. I have signed up for bere...
For missing information due to patient drop-out, we will rely on the linear mixed model and consider the baseline data as part of the outcome matrix. We will also perform a per-protocol (PP) sensitivity analysis including only those patients who completed the treatment originally allocated. ...
activity of the nerves or muscles is abnormal, the pattern of colonic pressures will be abnormal. Colonic motility studies are most useful in defining colonic inertia. These studies are considered research tools, but they can help make decisions regarding treatment in individuals with severe ...
activity of the nerves or muscles is abnormal, the pattern of colonic pressures will be abnormal. Colonic motility studies are most useful in defining colonic inertia. These studies are considered research tools, but they can help make decisions regarding treatment in individuals with severe ...
Severe and torturing physical abuse is a means of child disciplining widely accepted as normal in the Ethiopian community [15]. Hence, the abused children rarely come to hospital for physical abuse. Table 1 Socio-demographic variables versus time to reporting to hospital of victims of child ...
There is a number of effective treatment options for OSA (including lifestyle advice, mandibular splint devices, surgery, etc.); however, the current most widely prescribed therapy for patients with moderate-severe OSA or mild OSA with comorbidities is nocturnal continuous positive airway pressure (...
The Unique Advantage of Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine – Can See Immediate Effect Right After 偏头痛是临床常见的疾病, 西医学属于神经系统疾病之一,已成为全球第三大高发病率疾病,第七大致残性疾病, 女性多于男性, 有部分女性患者在月经周期常会发作。有研究发现, 气候骤变, 精神刺激, 闪光丶强光丶酒类和...