2、shutdown -r now 立刻重启(root用户使用) 3、shutdown -r 10 过10分钟自动重启(root用户使用) 4、shutdown -r 20:35 在时间为20:35时候重启(root用户使用) 如果是通过shutdown命令设置重启的话,可以用shutdown -c命令取消重启 下面我们来看看linux的这些具体的关机命令之间的区别和各自的用法 1.shutd...
linux 下执行.sh文件提示permission denied linux 下执行.sh文件提示permission denied 在脚本文件目录下运行命令,赋予权限: chmod 777 *.sh or chmod +x *.sh linux下执行脚本失败的解决办法 现象: 1的解决办法:赋予该文件可执行权限即可,chmod +x docker.sh 2的解决办法: ... shell 脚本中的当前工作...
The 'shutdown immediate' command hangs or is very slow The alert log lists messages like: SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.ACTIVE PROCESSES PREVENT SHUTDOWN OPERATION Cause This is not a bug. If the DB Control repository is running on the database target against which shutdown ...
We also have /usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/ as drop-in during very very late shutdown. I am not convinced we need anything more. poettering changed the title Enable to specify custom shell command as action for HandlePowerKey=, HandleRebootKey=,... support "reboot-force" and "reboot...
[Solved] Error MSSQL connection only when run with .Net core on Linux [SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Connection is busy with results for another command [closed] [win 10, c#] Interop - Generic way to know if a window is Minimi...
You should be able to build the examples from sources (tested on Windows/Mac/Linux). If you don't, let me know! If you want to have a quick look at some Dear ImGui features, you can download Windows binaries of the demo app here: ...
red hat linux下shutdown关机指令 用shutdown -h now 不能关机,屏幕仅显示shutdown的用法。 shutdown是关机的命令,在Linux下当然要带参数,如shutdown -h now 就是立刻关机的命令,但是在终端上运行这样的命令时Linux有时并不关机,参看了很多的资料,终于看到了,原来并不仅仅是root用户的问题,要将用户在切换到roo...
操作系统:Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 6) 数据库 : Oracle Database 10g Release – Production 32bit 今晚使用shutdown immediate(其实是执行stop_oracle.sh脚本关闭数据库,如下所示)关闭数据库的时候, 1: [oracle@gsp-orasvr02 scripts]$ more stop_oracle.sh ...
I was able to reproduce it on Linux, but with much lower probability (about 5% on Linux vs maybe 95% on OS X). Try running your curl command in while /bin/true loop, you will get an ECONNRESET in no more than 20 attempts. In this case the problem is caused by a race condition...