IMM 5476 (10-2008) E PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B A representative is someone who has your permission to conduct business on your behalf with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). You may have one representative only. If you appoint an additional ...
E 5476(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5476 F)USE O F A REPRESENTATIVE Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada PAGE 1 OF 2 IMM 5476 (07-2011) E PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B You do not need to hire an immigration representative, it is your choice. No one can...
Signature of representative Date Year Month Day SECTION C: CANCEL THE APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE Family name (Surname) 9. Your representative's full name Given name(s) I withdraw my authorization for this person to serve as my representative, to receive information on my case file and to...
Signature of representative Date (YYYY-M M-DD) SECTION C: CANCEL THE APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE Immigration Canada and Canada Border Services Agency 9 Your representative's ful l name Fami ly name(Surname) Given name(s) Name of firm or organizationif appl icable) ...
Signatureofapplicant (YYYY-MM-DD) Date Signatureofspouseorcommon-lawpartner forsponsorshipapplication (YYYY-MM-DD) Date Warning!Itisaseriousoffencetogivefalseormisleadinginformationonthisform. TheinformationyouprovideonthisformiscollectedundertheauthorityoftheImmigrationandRefugeeProtectionActandtheCitizenshipActand...