打印 转格式 228阅读文档大小:37.95K2页加海移民顾问上传于2011-03-07格式:PDF IMM 5476EUSE OF A REPRESENTATIVE 热度: 表四: 专利代理人执业信息登记表 热度: 专利代理人登记表 热度: IMM (11-2010) E 5476 (DISPONIBLEENFRANÇAIS-IMM5476F)
the previous representative will no longer be authorized to conduct business on your behalf and receive information on your case file. Note:You must use this form to appoint a paid or unpaid representative to conduct business with CIC or the CBSA on your behalf. You must also use ...
内容提示: IMM(10-2008)E5476(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5476 F)USE OF A REPRESENTATIVECitizenship andImmigration CanadaCitoyenneté etImmigration CanadaSECTION A: APPLICANT INFORMATIONThis form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicantsPAGE 1 OF ...
you appoint an additional representative, the previous representative will no longer be authorized to conduct business on your behalf and receive information on your case file. Your dependent children aged 18 years or older must complete their own copy of this form if they have a representative.
I declare that I have ful ly and truthful ly answered al l questions on this form and any attached appl ication(if appl icable) I also declare that I have read and understood al l the statements on this form, having asked and obtained an explanation for every point thatwas not clearto...
E 5476(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5476 F)USE O F A REPRESENTATIVE Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada PAGE 1 OF 2 IMM 5476 (07-2011) E PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B You do not need to hire an immigration representative, it is your choice. No one can...