If you wish to have a representative who can conduct business on your behalf, you must provide their email and mailing address(es) in this section and complete the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form. 填写护照、旅行证件、或身份证件的号码。请确保字母和/或数字之间没有空格。 Type your ...
Note: If you are in a common-law union, you must also complete the Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409) form and include it with your application. 勾选以表明是否有既往婚姻或同居关系。若勾选 “Yes” ,则需填写配偶或同居伴侣的: 第2页 Check the box to indicate whether you...
With DocHub, making changes to your paperwork requires only a few simple clicks. Follow these quick steps to modify the PDF Temporary resident visa canada form download online for free: Sign up and log in to your account. Sign in to the editor with your credentials or click onCreate free ...
5) Family Information Form家庭成员表(IMM5707E)。家属的申请信息也需要单独提供相同的文件;6) 可选...
IfyouwfshtoouthorbethereleaseofJnformationffamyouropplfcotfontoarepresentative,Indicatetheire-mailandmoflJngaddresslesjInthfssectionandontheIk1kI5476form. Streetno. PASSPORT ertnvmber•CeuntofIssue”Issuedate sameasmaJlhgaddress7 Streetno.
address(es) in this section and complete the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form. 填写护照、旅行证件、或身份证 件的号码。请确保字母和/或数字 之间没有空格。 Type your passport, travel or identity document number. Make sure there is no space ...
网申,从网站上下的最新的10-2017的表格,用abode reader10.0打开后填完后,点击了validate后,也升成了code,但是当提交的时候提示Please ensure you download the latest form from the IRCC website, complete the form using Adobe Reader, validate and upload again.详情看图,愁死我了,搞了两天了,就是提交不成...
I have used desktop , and still does not get the latest form and theimm5257e Canada website gives me an error,,, and say I should use thelatest form and up to date Adobe software has failed download thatparticular form, but I was able to download with pdf fillerAPdf filler is...