Inspiring, innovative, impulse-giving: As a theme-driving force with innovative exhibition formats and a focus on trade visitors, the imm Spring Edition, set the starting The imm Spring Edition, set the starting signal for the journey towards a new, transformed imm cologne. As a trade visitor...
imm Spring Edition 2023 The imm Spring Edition 2023 took place once in June 2023. Here you can find the highlights. The highlights That was imm cologne 2020 Not only did imm cologne impress in terms of quantity, but the registration data of the trade fair also revealed that the quality of...
除了在科隆总部的展会活动,科隆展览正战略性地在国际上扩大其展会产品系列,其中包括于2022年创立的ORGATEC TOKYO,这是日本首个专注于职业办公环境及混合办公环境的展会。idd shanghai作为科隆国际家具展imm cologne以及ORGATEC的卫星展,为室内设计行业高端和奢...
imm cologne科隆国际家具展每年一月在科隆举办,去年(2024年)的展览数据是:750个展商,来自42个国家和地区;来自130个国家和地区的4.2万观众,其中一半专业观众来自海外。 原因 01 行业需求萎缩低迷 imm cologne科隆国际家具展在网站上贴出的新闻稿里有这么一句话: 据德国家具协会VDM最新数据称,2023年以及2024年上半年,...
科隆国际家具展imm cologne自1949年开始举办,是世界家具市场上重要的家具展会。每年年初,科隆家具展都展示了全新的国际家具和室内设计趋势,展会为参观者带来了大量的市场化的创新。根据官方统计,2019年科隆家具展展出面积达23.5万平方米,共有52个国家的1250家企业参加,其中德国以外的参展商占65%;约有来自145个国家的15...
Imm Cologne 2023From4to7 June 2023Koeln Messe Imm Cologne 2022From4to7 June 2022Koeln Messe Exhibiting at imm Cologne, the interior show in Cologne Imm Cologne is the appointment of interior design, lighting, furniture, ... in the German city. It is an appointment of international significance...
Stories about international interiors show IMM Cologne, including furniture and lighting products launched at the show held each January in the German city.
The imm cologne is the most important furnishing show in the world''s most important furnishing market. Right at the start of every year, it presents the n. imm cologne 2023 is held in Cologne, Germany, from 6/4/2023 to 6/4/2023 in Koelnmesse.
Messeplatz 1 50679 Köln, Deutschland, Cologne Germany Tel: +49-221-821-0 Future Dates: imm cologne 2027Cologne, Germany Previous Dates: imm cologne 20241/14/2024 - 1/18/2024Cologne, Germany imm cologne 20236/4/2023 - 6/7/2023Cologne, Germany ...
【德国家具展imm展会时间】2023年6月4-7日 【德国家具展imm展会地点】德国科隆国际展览中心 【德国家具展imm展会周期】一年一届 【德国家具展imm首届年份】1949年 【德国家具展imm展会简介】 科隆国际家具展(imm cologne)始于1949年,是当今国际负的家具展览会。每年一月份在德国科隆国际展览中心举行。