Following the submission of your application,that person may conduct business on your behalf with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) if you appoint them as your representative by filling out this form. The preceding includes Express Entry submissions...
- IMM5476:代理人信息表(如有代理人协助申请)。 2. IMM表格的下载 - 前往 [IRCC表格页面](。 - 在搜索框中输入表格编号(如IMM5257)。 - 点击对应表格的下载链接,并确保使用最新版Adobe Reader打开。 3. IM...
also known as form IMM 5476.A representative is someone who conducts business with CIC for you a...
ImmigrationCanada SECTIONA:APPLICANTINFORMATION ThisformismadeavailablebyCitizenshipandImmigrationCanadaandisnottobesoldtoapplicants PAGE1OF2 IMM5476(11-2010)E PROTECTEDWHENCOMPLETED-B Familyname(Surname) 1.Yourfullname Givenname(s) 2.Yourdateofbirth ...
Who needs to fill out US Customs Declaration form? Who needs to fill out IMM 5604? Who qualifies for express entry into Canada? Who needs to fill IMM5646? What is the use of representative IMM5476? What is a custodian declaration form? Get...
E 5476(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5476 F)USE O F A REPRESENTATIVE Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada PAGE 1 OF 2 IMM 5476 (07-2011) E PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B You do not need to hire an immigration representative, it is your choice. No one can...
IMM 5476 (10-2008) E PROTECTED WHEN COMPLETED - B A representative is someone who has your permission to conduct business on your behalf with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). You may have one representative only. If you appoint an additional ...
1、Please kindly note: A This completed form is for your information only.敬请注意: 此申请表格填写样本仅供您参考使用APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY RESIDENT VISA MADE OUTSIDE OF CANADA加拿大境外临时居民签证申请表Citizenship and Citoyennet Immigration Canada ImmigrationeetCanadaI want service in:所选服务...
(DISPONIBLE EN FRANÇAIS - IMM 5476 F)USE OF A REPRESENTATIVECitizenship andImmigration CanadaCitoyenneté etImmigration CanadaSECTION A: APPLICANT INFORMATIONThis form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicantsPAGE 1 OF 2IMM 5476 (10-2008) E...
How do you become a custodian in Canada? How do I fill out a custodian declaration form? What is custodianship declaration? What is custodianship declaration? imm 5646 form pdf download imm 5646 requiredhow to fill custodian declaration formstudy permit canadaircc loginimm5257imm 5476ircc forms ...