It is very possible to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa on your own either online or via Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) application form IMM 5257, called "Application for Visitor Visa." Applying for a Canadian Visitor Visa on your own is fairly simple and should not ...
While dowloading this form imm 5257 from the canadian immigration website, i initialy saw the above message but was able to download this above ,by opening it - 13787302
要下载IMM5257E,大部分申请可以直接点下载链接,打开PDF后按键盘的"Ctrl+S"就可以保存到电脑里,如果您无法在线打开IMM5257E.PDF,可以把IMM5257E的下载网址拷贝后放到一些下载软件,如迅雷等下载。 IMM5257E申请表的下载网址:
IMM5257总是传不上去, 我是在官网下的最新的版本啊。生成了bar code然后打印,签字,扫描生成pdf, 文件名换了。提示如下:Error: The form you have uploaded was not accepted.Error Description: Please ensure you download the latest form from the IRCC website, complete the form using Adobe Reader, valida...
注册并创建IRCC账号:进入加拿大移民局官网注册账号,完成Authenticator认证和5个密钥问题设置双重密钥,并记住账号和密码。注册网站:链接 步骤二: 填写护照信息和出入境记录:家庭信息,之前的美签信息,填写护照信息及相关信息。 步骤三: 上传简化材料:根据系统生成的材料清单,上传所有需要的文件,并支付$185加币签证费用。
IMM5257E提交问题kakalovem 网申,从网站上下的最新的10-2017的表格,用abode reader10.0打开后填完后,点击了validate后,也升成了code,但是当提交的时候提示Please ensure you download the latest form from the IRCC website, complete the form using Adobe Reader, validate and upload again.详情看图,愁死我了...
Complete this form in5 minutesor less Get form Got questions? We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us. Contact us How can I download imm5257 form?
03. Share your form with others Send temporary resident visa canada form no No Download Needed needed via email, link, or fax. You can also download it, export it or print it out. 01. Edit your imm 5866 e form online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments,...
附上我的时间线供大家参考 11.4网上提交申请 (由于没有收到邮件,也没看IRCC账户信息,采集指纹就晚了) 11.21采集指纹(其实11.7就有采集指纹的通知了) 11.23体检通过 12.27 OPR (以为圣诞节没人审核,又晚了几天看IRCC账户信息) 01.04 寄出护照 01.12 贴签完毕 01.14 收到护照...
Please ensure you download the latest form from the IRCC website, complete the form using Adobe...