3) Imhoff cone 殷氏锥形管 4) imhoff cone test 殷氏锥形管测定 5) imhoff solids 殷霍夫固体 6) Yin Fu 殷夫 1. Agitating Poems in the Red Trend of Thought ——The Analysis of the Futurism Artistic Essence in Yin fu s Poems; 红色思潮下的鼓动诗篇——试析殷夫诗歌中的未来主义艺术内质 ...
读音:美英 imhoff cone基本解释 英霍夫锥形管 分词解释 imhoff(Imhoff)人名 cone圆锥体 imhoff cone是什么意思 imhoff cone怎么读 imhoff cone在线翻译 imhoff cone中文意思 imhoff cone的解释 imhoff cone的发音 imhoff cone意思是什么 imhoff cone怎么翻译 imhoff cone的中文翻译 imhoff cone的意思翻译 imhoff cone在线...
conetestKentuckySaturatedhydraulicconductivitySoilscienceEvangelouV.P.MarsiM.EBSCO_AspJournal of Environmental Science & Health Part A Environmental Science & EngineeringMarsi M. and Evangelou V.P. 1991. Chemical and physical behavior of two Kentucky soils: I. Sodium- calcium exchange. Journal of ...
Chemical and physical behavior of two kentucky soils: III. Saturated hydraulic conductivity ‐imhoff cone test relationshipsClay dispersion is considered to be one of the most pronounced causes for reduction in soil hydraulic conductivity. The purpose of this study was to establish the dispersion ...