Anna Pawlik, , Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2013Kirk AmbroseConvivium
. Springer-Verlag, London, Berlin, Heidelberg, New-York, Paris, Tokyo, Hong-Kong (1996), X, 281 pages, 43 figs., 11 tables, sFr 173.-, öS 1335.90, DM 183.- B. Fleischer1 Show moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your ...
Imhof, Eugen Rentsch Verlag, Erlenbach-Zurich. 1968. 185 x 265 mm., 259 pages and APpendix (20 colour plates), 343 maps, diagrams and photographs. Sorry, you do not have access to this article. How to gain access: Recommend to your librarian that your institution purchase access to ...
Adhesion in leukocyte homing and differentiation: edited by D. Dunon, C.R. Mackay and B.A. Imhof, Springer-Verlag, 1993. DM 170.00 (260 pages) ISBN 3 540 56756 9doi:10.1016/0962-8924(94)90238-0Takashi Kei KishimotoDept of Immunology, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, 900 Ridgebury ...
54%. A good correlation of intraoperative and early postoperative MRI is described. The group from Freiburg (Germany) report their wide experience with intraoperative ultrasound as a less expensive, easy to ha ...doi:10.1007/s10143-003-0308-3MartinB. GlaserSpringer-VerlagNeurosurgical Review...
Marcel Strauss1. Institute of Neurological Sciences, Department of Neuroradiology, Southern General Hospital, 1345 Govan Road, Glasgow, G51 4TF, UK ;Springer-VerlagNeuroradiologyBauvois, B., Gavrilovic, J. and Wietzerbin, J. in Imhof, B., Ezine, S. and Berrih, S. (Eds.), Lymphatic ...
OLDENBOURG WISSENSCHAFTSVERLAGZeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline MaterialsDivjakovic V, Nowacki W (1976) Die Kristallstruktur von Imhofit, Tl 5.6 As 15 S 25.3 . Z Krist 144: 323–333Divjakovic, V. and Nowacki, W. (1976) Die kristall- struktur von Imhofit, Tl5.6As15S25.3. ...
; ; ; ; ;D.; ;Dunon; ; ; ;C.R.; ;Mackay; ; ; ;B.A.; ;Imhof; ;...L. Jäger
, E. Imhof, Orell Fussli Verlag, Zurich, 1974. 235 x 305 mm., 228 pages, 7 tables, 8 figures, 36 sketches, 26 plates (19 in colour), folded map inside back cover (1 :200 000 scale).doi:10.1080/00690805.1976.10437946Spitzer