{ String apiUrl = "https://api.imgur.com/3/image"; // Imgur API的图片上传接口URL String apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // 替换为你的Imgur API密钥 String imagePath = "path/to/your/image.jpg"; // 替换为你要上传的图片路径 HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); Http...
Wikipedia API批处理pageImages仅返回第一张图片 推特状态为图片,但tweepy.API.get_status不返回媒体 如何使用Rest Api上传“仅客户端图片到SharePoint自定义列表”?不在文档库和图片库中 从图库或摄像头上传图片到rest api (错误:状态: false,消息:用户不存在!,数据:空) ...
Imguris a popular online image sharing website. It is one of the most popular services where you can post, share, store and view pictures andGIFs. But it also has an extensive API that can be used with the help of RapidAPI. How To Get Access to the Imgur API (Imgur API Key)? 1....
var apiClient = new ApiClient("YOUR_CLIENT_KEY"); var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var filePath = "PATH_TO_YOUR_IMAGE"; using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath); var imageEndpoint = new ImageEndpoint(apiClient, httpClient); var imageUpload = await imageEndpoint.UploadImageAsync(...
By default, all operations inimguRare performed anonymously using an API key attached to theimguRpackage and registered by the package maintainer. To use the package in a non-anonymous fashion (and to obtain higher API rate limits), operations needs to include antokenargument, which must contain...
$pvars = array('image' => base64_encode($data), 'key' => HERE_MY_API_KEY); 怎么了? imgur api的文档在这里: http://api.imgur.com/examples 你们能帮助我吗? 是的,我已经搜索过这些主题: HTML上载表单只会上传在PHP文件目录中找到的文件 使用jQuery解析从PHP脚本返回的XML(imgur.com API) 但它...
我刚从Imgur收到我独特的开发人员API密钥,我很想开始破解这个宝贝。 首先是一个简单的测试来开始。如何使用C#上传图像?我用Python发现了这个: #!/usr/bin/python import pycurl c = pycurl.Curl() values = [ ("key", "YOUR_API_KEY"), ("image", (c.FORM_FILE, "file.png"))] ...
client = ImgurClient(imgur_id, imgur_secret)exceptImgurClientErrorase:ife.status_code ==403:returnu'can i haz valid api keys?'else:returnu'sorry i could not reach imgur :/ E_MSG: {0} E_CODE: {1}'.format(e.error_message, e.status_code)try: ...
示例1: checkApiAccess ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: from imgurpython import ImgurClient [as 别名]# 或者: from imgurpython.ImgurClient importset_user_auth[as 别名]defcheckApiAccess(userid):# something that checks whether we have api keys and whether they work;# if not, return Falsedb = ap...
我在使用python requests模块和ImgurAPI向Imgur上传图像时遇到了问题。= 'my-api-key' url, headers'type': 'base64 浏览0提问于2013-04-27得票数6 回答已采纳 1回答 向imgurAPI上传图像的错误请求400 、、 我想上传一些图片与imgur-API的imgur,但我总是得到一个错误400错误的请求。问题出在哪里? <?'con...