Imginn’s interface is similar to Instagram’s, so if you’re used to the layout and look of the platform, you’ll be familiar with the basic functionality. Once you log in with your Facebook or Google ID, you can view the profile and upload pictures and videos. You can also download...
如何下载Instagram上的图片? 我们经常会看到Instagram上有些图片很美,想保存下来,留作后用.但是又如何操作呢?这里我给大家介绍一种我自己觉得很简单,很方便的操作方法。 1. 在浏览器中输入网址: - Instagr… Sergey 5个经营Instagram的小方法,让你避开雷区 西安思维特网络科技有限公司打开... 这是一个在线网站,它可以批量保存 Instagram 的图片/短视频、故事、长视频和标签,输入你想批量保存内容的 Instagram 账户或主页链接,进入账户之后,点击右侧的「Download All」,它会将批量下载的内容以压缩包的形式返回给你。 以上,希望有帮助。
Instagram is a social media app that allows users to share photos and videos. It also has a feature called Stories, which lets users uploadInstagram poststemporary photos, and videos that disappear after 24 hours. imginn is an app that allows you to download Instagram stories and reels. This ... 1.5K 1.1K −146 1 imgin 3.0K 1.1K −10 1 Sign up for Ahrefs to see data for all keywords. Top competing websites of United States, and rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that get...
【instagram】凑合能用的批量ins图片下载教程 1万观看 6弹幕 会使用到以下工具(仅供建议,可以根据个人实际情况选择) 1.一台可以科学上网的PC,WINDOWS或MAC系统均可。 2.,一个曾经提供批量下载功能的网站,现在我们借用他获取图片下载源。
Anonymous web instagram viewer Imginn Search
如果你需要下载Instagram上一般的视频和照片,可以使用 imginn。两者区别在于imginn需要输入对方Ins的ID,而ig照片及视频下载器则是要复制粘贴网址才可以下载。 前往ImgInn imginn使用说明 imginn以前叫SaveIG后来才改名,除了名称和域名更改了,其他界面和功能与之前基本上都一样。
The funny thing about this domain, I’ll remind you, is the absurdity of having to use the stories’ URL to be able to watch Instagram stories anonymously. 3. This website has a similar interface to that of Instagram viewer. Interestingly enough, it functions the sam...
Imginn – what it is, the ethical concerns, and safer alternatives. Get the facts before using this Instagram tool.