Description:SapTraining Basicfinancialsetup: 1.definecompanycode Path:IMG--definesenterprisestructureoffinancial accounting,definition,copy,delete,checkcode-Edit companycodedata T-Code:Ox02entersthecompanycodeviewtoaddcompanycode forthenewcompany 2.definitionCorporation ...
sapimg设置(IMG设置)sap img设置(IMG设置)IMG settings I. Basic operation of Basis SA02 Academic title (cent. addr. admin.) college title (central address management)SA03 Title (central address admin.) title (central address management)SM04 pre - sent list of users SM50 current process SM02...
IMG is a global sports & culture company, specializing in rights, data, digital, partnerships, events, consulting, studios and more.
In the Maint.Obkect tab strip of the selected IMG activity, you can find information relate to the update, the customizing view and the SAP transaction code SPRO screen, check the SAP program name by going system > status from menu andtrace from TSTC table via SE16 transaction 方法一: 进...
It is help ful to consultant to go easily to your required path. You can extend the Standard SAP IMG . Means you can add new own customer -specific customizing tables in SAP IMG See below path http://***/Tutorials/ExitsBADIs/IMG/Index.htm Hope it is helpful ...
For example, to create a storage location we can execute the transaction codeOX09. By doing this we don’t need follow the IMG menu path and we can directly access the customizing component. Project Analysis in SAP IMG DuringSAP implementationprojects, we create SAP customizing projects inSPRO...
Perform this task to activate the use of large key figures within the system. You must also modify existing models in order to use this functionality and follow specific steps when creating new models. Procedure Run transactionSPRO. ChooseSAP Reference IMG. ...
SAP recommends using internal number assignment] The Following Screen will appear: Now enter the Group name and number range data in the screen as under: And click the insert (enter) button The group will be created with the entered number range and it will appear at the bottom of the page...
true # Open external links in new tab +filename_case: 0 +render_drafts: false +post_asset_folder: false +relative_link: false +future: true +highlight: + enable: false + line_number: false + auto_detect: false + tab_replace: + +# Home page setting +# path: Root path for your ...
var base64Path = ""; function fixBase64(img) { // check the image src //alert(img.src); // IE6: 错误:无效指针 //alert(img.getAttribute("src")); // IE6: 错误:无效指针 try { if (BASE64_DATA.test(img.src)) { ...