loading : String Description Lazy or immediate load; Same syntax as <img> loading attribute Default value lazy Accepted values lazy eager crossorigin : String Description Same syntax as <img> crossorigin attribute Accepted values anonymous use-credentials decoding : String Description Same syntax as <...
Lazy loading加载在窗口resize尺寸变化时候也会触发,例如屏幕高度从小变大的时候。 Lazy loading加载也有可能会先加载后面的图片资源,例如页面加载时滚动高度很高的时候。 参考链接 Lazy loading - Web 性能 | MDN Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes 兼容性 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者...
GitHub上有个项目用来兼容原生的懒加载loading属性的,项目地址:https://github.com/mfranzke/loading-attribute-polyfill 我看了下原理,是需要把图片HTML代码放在<noscript>标签中: <noscriptclass="loading-lazy"><imgsrc="example.jpg"loading="lazy"alt="zhangxinxu"width="250"height="150"/></noscript> 我...
loading:指定图像的加载行为,可以是 "eager"(立即加载)或 "lazy"(延迟加载)。 decoding:指定图像的解码行为,可以是 "async"(异步解码)或 "sync"(同步解码)。 crossOrigin:指定图像的跨域设置,用于处理跨域图片加载问题。 referrerpolicy:指定图像请求的引用策略,用于控制请求的 HTTP Referer 头字段。
public delegate Task PipeDelegate<TResult>([NotNull]LoadingContext<TResult> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) where TResult : class; NotNullAttribute 是来自JetBrains.Annotations这个 nuget 包的。 另外微软爸爸说,支持取消的话,那是好做法,要表扬的,因此加上了 Cancellat...
DOCTYPE HTML><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"><title>img - complete attribute</title></head> <body><img id="img1" src="http://pic1.win4000.com/wallpaper/f/51c3bb99a21ea.jpg"><p id="p1">loading...</p><script type="text/javascript">function imgLoad(img, callback) {...
Useful for lazy loading: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#loading Sorry, something went wrong. ️ 1 Add loading attribute to img element … 781c005 Useful for lazy loading: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img#loading e...
Lazy loading is a technique used to delay the loading of images until they are about to be viewed in the viewport, which can improve page load times and performance, especially for pages with many images. It can be accomplished by the Native Lazy Loading with the loading attribute or using...
This element duplicates the HTMLimg element and provides control over media loading. Use this element instead of the HTML img element for timing images in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and later. The prefix t: is used to associate this element with an XML namespace. You must declare the XML...