从上图可以看到,后台企业结构定义下的【定义段】这一IMG路径的事务是SM30,定制对象是V_FAGL_SEGM(也就是对应的配置表),并没有SAP官方设置的事务码。实际上当我们点击【定义段】是触发了SAP事务类型中的其中一种特殊事务:使用参数的事务,如下图所示: 系统接收到单击【定义段】的信号时,调用【T-CODE: SM30】...
如果知道一张SAP后台表,如何根据表名,一步步找到IMG中的配置路径。 1. 找到字段的Check Table 以Purchasing Document Header表EKKO为例,首先执行SE11,输入Table EKKO。 点击Display,再切换到Input Help/Check这个Tab。其中第5列,就是Check Table。 一般情况下,一个字段有Check Table,代表这是一个可配置字段,字段值...
AWS SDK for SAP ABAP - API Documentation - 1.12.113 ABAP Package/AWS1/API_IMG_IMPL ABAP SDK "TLA"IMG ABAP Interface/AWS1/IF_IMG The "TLA" is a Three Letter Abbreviation that appears in ABAP class names, data dictionary objects and other ABAP objects throughout the AWS SDK for SAP AB...
The SAP contents on this site will be on ABAP, BAPI, ALV programming, SAPscripts as well as other IMG stuff like MM, LE, SD, PP, APO, PM, PS, QM, HR, FI, BW and BC. The SAP environments used here are version 4.6x onwards
SAP delivers an Implementation Guide, the SAP Reference IMG, that contains the work steps for all applications as IMG activities in the SAP System. For more information, seeSAP Reference IMG. Project IMG To reduce the complexity of the configuration process in the SAP Reference ...
在学习工作中,我通常使用偏后端的开发语言ABAP,SQL进行任务的完成,对SAP企业管理系统,SAP ABAP开发和...
report name生成ABAP程序,用SE38运行,或用SE93为此程序建立一个TCODE。执行,初始界面为:使用方法:1、获得后台配置菜单的TCODE首先需要得到IMGActivityID...IMGActivityID输入到刚建立的SQVI程序的字段IMGActivity中,或直接SE16:CUS_IMGACH中执行:S_ALR_87003642即是我们要找的TCODE,我称之为长事务 ...
SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Print and Output Management Hi Experts, In the MAIN window in the SAP SCRIPT editor,i see a field as &tvbdpl-LFIMG(CI.0)& for a quantity that is displayed. Can someone explaing the significance of what is (CI.0) in &tvbdpl-LFIMG(CI.0)&?
IMG-FI-SA-30-04_财务凭证的替代(复杂)财务凭证的替代(复杂)一、适用范围:本文档适用于复杂的替代,涉及到ABAP,涉及到出口(exit)二、替代(Substitution):在凭证保存前根据设置条件判断此凭证是否有效,其中可以按抬 头、行项目或完全凭证来判断,然后根据替代规则把原有字段替换当前字段。三、替代的逻辑:简单...
How to Add additional Nodes in SPRO IMG Go to solution former_member183990 Active Contributor 2010 Jul 07 5:08 AM 0 Kudos 1,706 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, We need to add additional Nodes to SPRO tcode If any body has worked on the same or any work...