When using a percentage you need to be aware what it is a percentageof. In the case of a box inside another container, if you give the child box a percentage width it will be a percentage of the width of the parent container. This is because percentages resolve against the size of the...
background-size:cover;背景尺寸 cover:将背景图像等比缩放到完全覆盖容器,背景图像有可能超出容器 contain :将背景图像等比缩放到宽度或高度与容器的宽度或高度相等,背景图像始终被包含在容器内 auto :背景图像的真实大小 percentage:用百分比指定背景图像大小,不允许负值 width值/height值 background-clip 背景裁减 paddi...
(类似background-clip)语法:background-origin: padding-box | border-box | content-box; background-size:规定背景图片的尺寸。语法:background-size:length|percentage| cover|contain; 比如有一个元素 img,高度固定,宽度不固定,调整浏览器窗口大小的时候要img元素不变形,宽高比不变,直接用 object-fit 与 object...
When using a percentage you need to be aware what it is a percentageof. In the case of a box inside another container, if you give the child box a percentage width it will be a percentage of the width of the parent container. This is because percentages resolve against the size of the...
1)背景图,background-size配合background-position。(适用于装饰性图片) background-size: [ <length-percentage> | auto ]{1,2} |cover|contain; background-position: [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ]{1,2} ...
background-size background-size: length(px)|percentage(%)|cover|contain; cover会按原长宽比缩放背景图来铺满整个元素,超出的会被裁掉 contain也是按原长宽比缩放背景图,会显示完整的图片
Fluid Images ensure images scale with the parent container by using a percentage-based width. img{max-width:100%;height:auto; } Use CSS Media Queries to adjust image styles based on viewport size. img{width:100%; }@media(min-width:720px){img{width:50%; } } ...
p img {text-indent: 0;}不过不建议楼主这样去写样式 p { line-height: 2em; text-indent: 2em; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal;}弊端太多,网站建设中要用到各种各样的段落显示,并且<p>元素并不仅是显示段落,更多时候我们也把他当做块元素用,楼主这样用 你定义在P元...
background-size % percentage 特别说一下, 除了 cover, contain. background-size 也常用 percentage 做一些 effect. 它的定义是这样的. .box{ width:300px; height:50px; background-image:linear-gradient(to right,red,yellow); } 效果 如果设置了 background-size: 50% 效果是这样的 ...
[Positive integer pixel values or positive integers paired with a "%" character denoting a percentage of the parent element height.] HSpace [2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE1|M|N1|O2.1] Standards Details: Deprecated in HTML 4.x/XHTML 1.0. Dropped in XHTML 1.1 in favor of CSS. ...