For the world economy, we now project 3.1 percent growth for 2024 - the same growth rate as in 2023. For 2025, we anticipate a modest increase to 3.2 percent. The good news is that these figures are somewhat better than the forecast we ha...
The World Economic Outlook Report is an economic overview published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It presents the analyses of IMF staff economists on the global economic situation and macroeconomic forecasting. The la...
InternationalMonetaryFund|October2024iii WORLDECONOMICOUTLOOK:POLICyPIvOT,RIsINgThREaTs StatisticalAppendix85 Assumptions85 What’sNew85 DataandConventions86 CountryNotes87 ClassificationofEconomies89 GeneralFeaturesandCompositionofGroupsintheWorldEconomicOutlook ...
sionofthereportonSeptember26,2023.Theviewsexpressedinthispublicationare thoseoftheIMFstaffanddonotnecessarilyrepresenttheviewsoftheIMF’sExecutive Directorsortheirnationalauthorities. Recommendedcitation:InternationalMonetaryFund.2023.WorldEconomicOutlook: NavigatingGlobalDivergences.Washington,DC.October. ...
To answer this question, we’ve visualized GDP growth forecasts from the IMF’s October 2023 World Economic Outlook. Unsurprisingly, many of these countries are located in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa—two of the world’s fastest growing regions. CountryRegionGDP Growth 2024 (%) Macao SAR Asia...
财联社4月17日讯(编辑 黄君芝)国际货币基金组织(IMF)预计,英国经济将成为人工智能(AI)革命的大赢家之一,有可能改变其疲软的增长前景,并提振国内薪资。IMF在周二发布的《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook)中预测,人工智能将使英国生产力每年提高0.9%至1.5%,这将有助于该国经济摆脱长期低迷。这比...
At a press briefing at the conclusion of the mission on Tuesday in Beijing, Gopinath said the projection reflects an upward revision of 0.4 percentage points in 2023 relative to the World Economic Outlook released in October, due to a stronger-than-expected Q3 outturn and recent policy announceme...
IMF在周二发布的《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook)中预测,人工智能将使英国生产力每年提高0.9%至1.5%,这将有助于该国经济摆脱长期低迷。这比人工智能在全球经济中每年0.1%至0.8%的生产力增长要强劲得多。 报告指出,由于人工智能的兴起,英国的经济规模可能会增长16%,其中大部分增长将发生在第一个十年。然而...
IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) database. TheIMF World Economic Outlookis a twice-yearly survey by IMF staff that presents IMF staff economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. Associated with the report is theWorld Economic Outlook Database, a country-...