图3、美国及美元指数构成中重要经济体的产出缺口(2020-2021) 数据来源:International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2020. 依据IMF最近公布的WEO预测来看,与危机前的预测相比,中期(4年)新冠肺炎疫情对发达经济体造成的产出损失明显小于对新兴市场、发展中经济体以及低收入经济体造成的产出损失...
IMF-2023年世界经济展望报告-10月刊(英)-2023.pdf,INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Navigating Global Divergences 2023 OCT INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND WORLD ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Navigating Global Divergences 2023 OCT ©2023 International Mo
2024.The views expressed in this publication are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMFs cutive Directors or their national authorities.Recommended citationInternational Monetary Fund.2024.World Economic OutlookSteady but SlowResilience amid Divergence.Washington,DC....
2023DATAThis version of the World Economic OutlookWEOis available in full through the IMF eLibrarywww.elibrary.imf.organd the IMF websitewww.imf.org.Accompanying the publication on the IMF website is a larger compi-lation of data from the WEO database than is included in the report itself,...
This way of calculating the country weights is consistent with the approach taken in the AWM database for calculating Euro Area aggregates. \(GGY_{t}\): Government-demand-to-GDP ratio, constructed as \(GGY_{t}=\frac{NGOV_{t}^{C}+GIN_{t}}{YER_{t}*YED_{t}}*100\). \(SCRY_{...
In its December 2021 update of the Global Debt Database, the Washington D.C.-based IMF said that global debt rose by 28 percentage points to 256 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020. In its World Economic Outlook issued in October last year, the IMF projected the global econom...
However, he pointed out that there are still prominent risks in this process and medium-term vulnerabilities are accumulating. Recent economic inflation data, which came in higher than expected, could challenge the notion of "the final mile" and the associated investor optimism, potentially leading ...
Three main drivers explain these unusually large movements in both private and public debt around the world: Large fluctuations in economic growth. The economic recession at the onset of the pandemic contributed to a pronounced drop in GDP, wh...
Three main drivers explain these unusually large movements in both private and public debt around the world: Large fluctuations in economic growth. The economic recession at the onset of the pandemic contributed to a pronounced drop in GDP, which was reflected in the sharp rise in debt-to-GDP ...
World Economic Outlook(WEO)is available in full through the IMF eLibrary(www.elibrary.imf.org)and the IMF website(www.imf.org).Accompanying the publication on the IMF website is 71、 a larger com-pilation of data from the WEO database than is included in the report itself,including files...